About the MagazineThe parish magazine is published and copyright by the villages of Belbroughton, Fairfield and Clent.EditorialCorrespondence and news copy should be sent by email to the Editor at bfcoffice@btconnect.com, or by post to:-Church Office, 19 Church Road, Belbroughton DY9 9TEDeadline for news copy is the 10th day of the month before the month of publication.Advertising700 copies of the magazine are printed each month for 12 months of the year. The majority of these magazines are hand-delivered to households in the Belbroughton, Fairfield and Clent area. You can also purchase the magazine from McColls in Belbroughton and within our churches.The advertising year for the magazine runs from February to January.The advert pages are printed in black and white and are at the start and end of the magazine.PRICES currently being revised. The cost for a quarter page of advertising for 2021 year is £100.50, a half page being £136 and a full page being £272. An initial setup fee is payable if you do not supply your own advert artwork, preferably in either Word or JPEG format. We increase our prices each year in line with the increase in our printing costs. For advertisers joining mid-year, please contact the Editor for prices.If you would like to place an advert then please email The Editor or telephone 01562 730777. We contact advertisers in autumn time to renew.We can also offer one-off adverts if we are having a quiet news month. If you are interested in a one-off or short-term advert, please contact the Editor for prices on size and number of months. For those wishing to place a one-off advert, which is raising money for charity and is within the parish, these may be free, at the Editor’s discretion.Subscriptions and DistributionWe are very grateful to our team of volunteers who, through rain or shine, deliver magazines in your street every month.If you would like to have a parish magazine delivered to your door each month, please email the Editor to see if there is a distributor in your area.Currently, the magazine costs 50p per issue and a twelve month subscription is £6 (plus extra for postage if required).ContentPlease submit items for the next issue to the Editor by the 10th day of the preceding month.We welcome articles and news items from around the parish.Back copiesWe have old copies available online, here is the list of ones currently available :- (for 2021 please scroll down)July 2020August 2020September 2020October 2020November 2020December 2020January 2020February 2020March 2020April 2020May 2020 June 2020January 2019February 2019March 2019April 2019May 2019June 2019July 2019 August 2019September 2019October 2019 November 2019December 2019January 2018February 2018March 2018April 2018May 2018June 2018July 2018 August 2018September 2018October 2018November 2018December 2018FROM 2017January 2017 February 2017 March 2017 April 2017 May 2017 June 2017 July 2017August 2017 September 2017 October 2017 November 2017December 2017January 2021February 2021March 2021April 2021May 2021June 2021Thanks to everyone for contributions to the magazine