This week’s pews sheet click here for news (including service times), click here for contact informationThis week’s Sermon podcast from the Diocese of Worcester can be found here: here for latest Church of EnglandPress ReleasesWe continue to produce Readings and Pews Sheets in virtual format (PDF); if you would like us to send you one via email, please drop us a line at the office on bfcoffice@btconnect.comThe magazines are continuing to be printed, but if you are having difficulty getting hold of one, please drop us a line at the office if you wish to have this emailed to you in a PDF format. “Belonging to Christ has never been measured by the number of people in church for a Sunday Service but by the service we offer to others every day.”At all our churches above, we are committed to the safety and well-being of everyone who in our church community. If you or someone you know feels unsafe, the following contact information may be useful to you: -Parish Safeguarding Officer - please contact your church office for details on 01562 730777 or contact:Hilary Higton, Diocesan Safeguarding Adviser’s Telephone: 07495 060869Email: -Childline: 0800 1111-Local Police: 101