© Benefice of Belbroughton, Fairfield
Sunday Collections – Belbroughton & Fairfield
During the current pandemic, we continue to face many of our usual expenses such as
insurance, utilities bills and churchyard maintenance. We have suffered greatly with no
collections from April to July and can only put out the collection plate by the entrance
and exits now rather than pass them round as before. The PCC is genuinely concerned
about what the effect of this reduction in income may be on our church finances. Many
people give regularly to the church through Standing Orders. Others give through cash
collection on the plate and/or an additional donation by cheque.
You might like to give by a Standing Order or a donation. We can accept either
electronic bank transfer by computer or a cheque. Please send any cheques to the
Church Office, put them in the collection bag or give them to John or Wendy at
Belbroughton. If you can make an electronic bank transfer, the bank account for St
Marks and Holy Trinity is HSBC in Stourbridge with a sort code of 40-43-17 and the
account number is 91594095. As you may be aware, any amount that you give can be
Gift Aided. There is no cost to you and the church receives at 25% rebate from the
Government. For every £100 pound we collect, we can claim another £25 from HMRC.
Please contact John or Wendy Penlington for a simple form which you can sign saying
you wish to apply Gift Aid to your donation for the past few years and the future. All
financial transactions are, of course, completely confidential and the Gift Aid donation is
at no cost to you.